
Fontana Slip and Fall Lawyer

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When an individual is injured by slipping, tripping, or falling on another’s property, negligence on the part of the property owner or manager may be grounds for a personal injury claim. It may be proven that the accident was the result of a hazard or defective condition on that individual’s property. If you were hurt on someone else’s property, it is crucial to protect your rights by consulting an experienced Fontana slip and fall lawyer at Gonzales Law Offices.

If another’s negligence caused your injury, it can be considered a personal injury, and you can file a premises liability claim for compensation. A slip and fall lawyer can answer your claim questions and discuss the entire process of a premises liability claim.

At Gonzales Law Offices, we can handle slip and fall cases that are the result of water, broken or uneven flooring, poor lighting, or other conditions that could lead to an accident. When snow or ice accumulates on a walkway and is not dealt with by the owner, serious injuries could result.

How to Prove Premises Liability In A Slip And Fall Case

In California, all property owners and managers hold the responsibility to exercise a reasonable amount of care to ensure that their property is free of hazards and safe for visitors.

Premises liability means someone who owns or otherwise controls a property owes lawful visitors a duty to keep them safe, or a duty of care. To recover compensation in a premises liability claim, you must meet all of the required legal elements, which include:

  • You were on the property as a lawful guest, either as an invited guest (like a friend invited you to visit their home) or as a visiting member of the public at the property during their hours of operation.
  • The owner had a legal duty to take steps that were reasonable under the circumstances to keep you safe.
  • You can prove that the owner did not exercise reasonable care under the circumstances, which is considered negligence.
  • Their negligence is the direct cause of your injury.
  • You were actually injured and incurred damages as a result of the sustained injuries that can be compensated for.

If a property owner fails to keep you safe while on their property, they can be held accountable for your injuries.

If you or a loved one has suffered injury from a slip and fall accident, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Past medical bills
  • Future medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Future lost income
  • Pain and suffering

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Types of Slip and Fall Injuries

Serious injuries could result from slip and falls accidents and the owner may be liable. The following injuries can occur from a slip and fall incident:

  • Soft tissue damage, such as sprains and strains (often in wrists and ankles)
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Bruises
  • Cuts
  • Shoulder dislocations
  • Head injuries like concussions
  • Knee ligament tears
  • Back pain
  • General pain, swelling, and stiffness
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Other injuries and permanent medical conditions

Often, injuries sustained during a slip and fall accident can require extensive medical care. The age of the person who fell, the position they landed in, and the force of the impact when they landed, can affect the severity of someone’s sustained injuries. If you have been hurt in a slip and fall accident, it is important to talk to a lawyer right away to preserve your legal rights.

Steps in a Slip and Fall Claim

When you have been a victim of a slip and fall accident, hire an attorney who can discuss your unique case and gather relevant information and evidence. They can assess your medical treatment to date and review the details of your accident. An experienced slip and fall attorney can review the available insurance coverage of the at-fault party for you.

At an initial consultation, your attorney can help explain the anticipated costs involved with your case and explain your legal options. They may prepare written discovery to exchange with the other involved parties and gather additional, relevant facts.

Once they have evaluated your case’s strengths and determined if there are any weaknesses to consider, they can help you decide whether or not to resolve your case through the settlement process. Your attorney can determine your likelihood of winning at a trial and the litigation costs and help estimate your potential award of damages. Also, the insurance policy of the at-fault party is typically taken into account.

Our founding attorney, Mark Gonzales, can explore your options for recovery and help maximize the amount you can recover. Contact Gonzales Law Offices to discuss further the steps for a slip and fall claim and have all of your important questions answered. Throughout your claim, he can provide reliable legal advice, compassionate support, and relentless legal advocacy.


How Much Do Slip and Fall Lawyers Cost in Fontana, CA?

The amount you can expect an experienced slip and fall lawyer to cost in Fontana depends on several factors, as each attorney determines their own fees and costs for their legal work. The amount an attorney might cost usually depends on their overall experience level, the complexity of your case, and whether any experts are needed to support your claim. If you are considering a specific Fontana attorney, it’s wise to discuss their written fee agreement and the anticipated costs for your case.

At Gonzales Law Offices, you do not need to worry about the affordability of your representation. Our firm follows a contingency fee plan, so we only collect a portion of the settlement package we win for you.

How Does an Attorney Negotiate a Slip and Fall Settlement?
What Types of Compensation Can I Get for a Slip and Fall Accident in Fontana?
Is It Difficult to Win a Slip and Fall Case?

Contact Gonzales Law Offices for a Consultation About Your Slip and Fall Accident

At Gonzales Law Offices, we can help if you or a loved one was a victim of a slip and fall accident due to someone’s negligence. We can investigate your incident and make sure all responsible parties are held accountable for your preventable injuries. Whether we resolve your claim through a fair settlement or with a favorable verdict at trial, we want to obtain for you maximized compensation.

As your Fontana personal injury lawyer, we can help you pursue compensation with steadfast pursuit of holding the responsible party liable. Our firm can help you achieve compensation for your damages by filing a premises liability claim. Damage from a slip and all can be difficult to prove in a court of law, which is why we are prepared to fight for you.

At Gonzales Law Offices, we are aware of what it takes to prove your case and can help you fight for damages. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation!

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